Camí de Sadernes a Bassegoda,
17853 Sales de Llierca, Girona
Entry schedule: 18:00 hours
Exit shcedule: 12:00 hours
If you have a doubt, you want us to help you or you need to solve something, contact us by filling in this form.
Contact with us
There is no cover in Vilarot. Contacts by whatsapp at 660 591 151 or 649 866 085 and we will answer you as soon as we can.
Send us an e-mail
We can also resolve your questions by email at:
How to arrive
Once in Montagut we take the rag to Sadernes. At Kilometer five we find a bridge, shortly afterwards two fairly closed curves come, once these curves are passed by right hand this is the way what we will have to take to Sant Andreu de Guitarriu. Two minutes later, where the asphalt ends you will find the Vilarot